Enquiry for flights and accommodation

Thank you for your enquiry about the Cape Verde Islands. We can help to find the most suitable deals to fit your schedule and your pocket. There are direct same-plane flights from Gatwick, Manchester, Lisbon, East Midlands and Glasgow to Boa Vista. Departures are early mornings from UK airports and returns around midnight and on Saturday mornings from Lisbon. There are connecting flights from Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and Channel Island airports on budget carriers to UK departure points. Prices may alter subject to dates, exchange rates or surcharges imposed by the airlines for different seating categories.Flights to Sal are on Mondays and Thursdsays, from Gatwick Tuesdays from Birmingham and Wednesdays from Manchester. . Pices are from £329 but exceptionally can be as little as £250 but are often much more for late booking at popular dates such as Christmas, New Year and half terms.


For money-saving ideas on flights/accommodation in Cape Verdes fill in the form and click on submit.

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Email address
Phone No
Number of adults
Number of children under 12
Number of infants under 2
Number of bedrooms required
Number of weeks
Please select an Hotel
Please select departure airport
Please select departure date
What is your hotel and flight budget per person?

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